2017 Workshop on Urban Planning and Management (Feb., 18-19, Tokyo)
Environment Management and Spatial Planning
This workshop aims to discuss various methods and applications of spatial planning for achieving sustainable development. We invite you, especially young researchers to contribute to this workshop by presenting your recent research results. This year, a particular emphasis is placed on environment management, such as wetland management through spatial planning. After the workshop, all papers presented at the workshop will be considered for publication in the journal of International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, which is Scopus-indexed having a rigorous peer review procedure with the aim of rapid and wide dissemination of research results.
Prof. Guangwei HUANG, Sophia University
Vice Chairman
Dr. Ryosuke, ANDO, TTRI
Prof. Zhenjiang SHEN, Kanazawa University
Program Committee
Alejandro Dias ARAGON, Sophia University
Xiaxi GOU, Sophia University
Miaoyi LI, Kanazawa University
Shaolin LU, Sophia University
Zhenjiang SHEN, Kanazawa University
Manru ZHOU, Sophia University
Workshop Secretary
Manru ZHOU : zhoumr1990@hotmail.com
Important information
Dates: Submission deadline for abstract: Sept. 15, 2016
Submission deadline for full paper: December 15, 2016
Workshop – February 18, 2017
Tokyo City Excursion – February 19, 2017
Submission: email to: zhoumr1990@hotmail.com; huang@genv.sophia.ac.jp
Accepted paper will be published with IRSPSD International

Workshop Program
February 17th, 2017 Conference
Time |
Program |
13:00 – 17:00 |
Registration Reception room at Building 2-1522 |
17:30 – 20:00 |
Welcome Party Building 2-1522 |
February 18th, 2017 Conference
Time |
Program |
9:00 |
Gather to Building 2-410 |
9:30 – 9:40 |
Welcome Speech: Professor Guangwei Huang, Sophia University |
9:40 – 9:50 |
Opening Speech: Professor Zhengjiang Shen, Kanazawa University |
Moderator:Ms. Manru Zhou, Sophia University Mr. Alejandro Dias Aragon, Sophia University |
9:50 –10:20 |
Keynote Speakers |
The development and regulation of wetland in Taiwan Professor Jente Pai, Taiwan Chengchi University |
10:20 – 10:50 |
Dynamic Speed Display Sign in Streets for Safety of Community Ryosuke Ando, Toyota Transportation Research Institute |
10:50–11:10 |
Research on Problem and Countermeasure of Outdoor Space Transformation for the Elder in the Historic District in China Hongtao Liu, Westsouth Jiaotong University |
11:10–11:30 |
The Formation and Development of Shopping Space in Chiang Mai, Thailand from 1884 to 1990s Chompoonoot Chompoorath, Kyoto Institute of Technology |
11:30–11:50 |
Coffee Break |
11:50–12:10 |
Introduce of "Ring Southwest Jiaotong University" Wisdom City Hangyu Chen, Kanazawa University |
12:10–12:30 |
Extreme Spatial Transitions > Extreme Planning And Design Transitions Using the Layers-Approach to search for more resilient spatial planning and design solutions to mitigate the negative effects of urban pressure in the context of a fragile delta Harry den Hartog,Tokyo University |
12:30–12:50 |
Application of Water Quality Index (WQI) for surface water quality assessment of lower reaches in Liao River, Liaoning, China Lei Zhang, Sophia University |
12:50– 13:50 |
Lunch Break |
Moderator:Mr. Alejandro Dias Aragon, Sophia University Ms. Manru Zhou, Sophia University |
14:00 – 14:30 |
Keynote Speakers |
Research Activities of International Community on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Professor Zhengjiang Shen, Kanazawa University |
14:30 –14:50 |
Study on Agricultural Management for Sustainable Agriculture in Arid Region, A Case Study in Zhangye City, Middle Reaches of Heihe River Basin Manru Zhou, Sophia University |
14:50 –15:10 |
Assessing Local People Preferences Towards Different Landscape Character Area in Teknaf Peninsula for Sustainable Landscape Conservation and Development Mariym Sultana Marry, Kyushu University |
15:10 –15:30 |
Predicting Energy Generation Prospective of Residential Building Attached Photovoltaic in Tropical Area by BIM Revit,Case Study Palu City Indonesia Puteri Fitriaty, Kanazawa University |
15:30–15:50 |
Coffee Break |
15:50 –16:10 |
The Relationship Between the Spatial Developments and the Change of Wooden-houses in Original Settlements in the Expansion Suburban Area of Bangkok. Walanrak Poomchalit, Kyoto Institute of Technology |
16:10–16:30 |
Application of Public Private Partnership on Urban River Management A Case Study of Chu River Xiaoxi Guo, Sophia University |
16:30 –16:50 |
Climate Change Adaptation to Urban Floods in Pathumthani Province, Thailand Yaowalak Chanthamas, Chulalongkorn University |
16:50 – 17:10 |
Regional Heritage Dimensions vs Management Boundaries Zamarbide Urdaniz Alba, Waseta University |
17:10 –17:30 |
The Interaction Mechanism of Land Supply and Urban Planning in Hong Kong Zhejing Cao, Tsinghua University |
Closing Speech: Dr. Ryosuke Ando Free communication |
18:00– 20:00 |
Congratulation party Kioizaka Building 5F Conference Room 2 |
February 19th, 2017 City Excursion
Time |
Program |
8:40 |
Gather at the North Gate of Sophia University |
9:00 – 10:30 |
Bus to Lake Teganuma |
10:30 – 11:10 |
Lake Teganuma Park Tour |
11:10 – 11:40 |
Bus to Visitor Center of North Chiba Water Redirection Facility |
11:40 – 12:20 |
Visiting |
12:20 – 12:40 |
Bus to restaurant |
12:40 – 13:40 |
Lunch (not included in register fee) |
13:40 – 14:00 |
Bus to River Tone |
14:00 – 14:40 |
River Tone tour |
14:40 – 16:10 |
Bus back to Sophia University |