International Conference 2023 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, Aug. 2023 Kanazawa University, Japan

How to Understand Resilience and Sustainability in Spatial Planning in The Era of Climate Change, Natural Disasters and Pandemics

Dr. Yoshitsugu HAYASHI

Distinguished Professor of Chubu University & Emeritus Professor of Nagoya University, Japan

Executive Committee Member of The Club of Rome

Ex-President of World Conference on Transport Research Society

President of Central Japan Chapter, Engineering Academy of Japan

Member of The Engineering Academic of Japan  

Multi-source big data based research on Urban environment and human health in Wuhan magecity region for sustainable development


Dr. Qingming ZHAN

Distinguished Professor

Vice dean, School of Urban Design,

Director, Research Centre for Digital City, Wuhan University

Urban Parks as Outdoor Gym for Citizens Health


Dr. Seung-Hong An 


School of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture

Hankyong National University


Time Geography of Health Behavior and Empirical Evidence in Beijing


Dr.Yanwei CHAI 


Department of Urban and Economic Geography

College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University



Dr. Ing. Ir. Bambang Soemardiono

Head of Urban Design Laboratory

Associate Professor at Department of Architecture ITS

Japanese Experiences and Implications in Healthcare and Urban Planning for Ageing in Place


Dr. Tsuya NISHINO 

Head Professor

Division of Geoscience and Civil Engineering

Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University


Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development 


Dr. Feng ZHEN

SPSD Chairman 2021-2023

Head Professor, Nanjing University