International Conference 2021 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, Nov. 25th-27th, 2021 Nanjing University, China
Participants should make registration to attend the online-onsite hybrid conference. After registration, a conference package including conference proceedings, program and so on will be sent to you when ready.
The registration fee will be waive because presentations in all venues will be online.

For registration, please fill in the registration form using the following link
Registration form to SPSD2021 (Closed)
For participants who register after Oct.10th until Oct. 25th, please try the following link
Because SPSD2021 is online conference, please send your presentation file using PPS format after recording your voice and video picture. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please make sure your file name is SPSD2021-submissionID-presenter_name.pps before you send your presentation file. PPS is one type of file extensions in PowerPoint, which can save your voice and picture for presentation.