IRSPSD Editorial Lecture Series, July 27 2023
Lecture Preview: Tips on Writing and Submitting Research Articles of Case Studies-Aspect from International Academic Journal

Synopsis: Writing and submitting essays is a significant step in the process of research and study, while the information gap between researchers and editors might create unexpected difficulties. In the field of urban studies, case study is a type of article widely used by authors and frequently seen by editors. So how can a case study article be well written so it can stand out among other submissions in this type. What are the characteristics of a case study that are favored by editors? Will there be any special requirements for international journals? From a Q2 journal in urban study, the editor will share her experience and tips about writing a good case study article. Examples will be given to illustrate the typical characteristics of well written papers, to analyze their highlights in structure, writing, and illustration. At the same time, lecturer will share common problems appear in the editing and publishing process, hoping to help authors make sufficient preparations before submission, avoid unnecessary mistakes, and make the submission process smoother.
This lecture should be beneficial for students and scholars of urban study area who would like to publish articles in international journals, it is also appropriate for researchers who have the need for writing or submitting articles.
Lecturer: Jingjing Wang, editor of International Review for Spatial Design and Sustainable Development.
Time: July 27, 2023, 14:20-15:40 (CST)
To Join: Online via Skype
Lecture Preview: How to Write a Literature Review Article- Aspect from International Academic Journal

Synopsis: Before conducting research, the step we never escape is literature review. A literature review can sharpen the research by understanding the relevant studies development and debates that is recently discussed, hence we can easily extract the research gaps and conflicts in previous study that left an open question for another research opportunity. By this we can establish the contribution of our works which is never been done before. This literature review works is surely can be reported as a literature review manuscript and submitted to international reputable journal. However, the qualities and quantities of literature review manuscript can be differed in standard in the view of authors and editors. Thus, this lecture will provide an editor view on how the literature review manuscript can meet the standard of an international reputable journal. The lecture will be delivered by the editor of an international reputable journal who will share her experience about writing and submitting a literature review manuscript to help researchers or students to avoid a major slip-up before publication. In the perspective of an editor, an outstanding manuscript tend to have some qualities that meet certain standard; therefore, some guidance will be given to improve an article before submitting it to an international reputable journal.
This lecture will be beneficial for the researchers and the doctor or master candidates who would like to publish their paper in the international journals.
Lecturer: Puteri Fitriaty, Senior Lecturer in Tadulako University, Ascociate Editor of International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, reviewer for several international journal.
Time: July 27, 2023, 15:45-17:00 (CST)
To Join: Online via Skype

Ms. Yudi Zheng
College of Architecture and Planning
Fujian University of Technology
Supported by Fujian University of Technology